Hawthorn’s seasonal reminders. Bi-monthly gardening tips for the month of September
Looking good in the garden now
- Hydrangias
- Miscanthus grasses
- Montbretia
- Rudbeckia
- Schizostylis
- Echinacea
- Keep mowing grass regularly – as a result of the heavy rains of the summer and the promised ‘Indian summer,’ grass growth will be strong into the autumn.
- Apply an autumn feed to the lawn. This feed should be high in phosphates and potassium, and low in nitrogen to encourage root growth.
- As a result of the heavy rains there are more weeds! Keep weeding and deadheading flowers to keep beds and containers looking tidy. Flower pots and containers can continue to look good well into the autumn, with regular watering.
- Clean out garden debris and put on compost heap.
- Keep composting – ensure to never add diseased/pest-ridden material to your composter as the heat will only encourage them
- Plant bulbs for spring – daffodils, crocus, tulips, etc., in the ground and in containers.
- Plant hyacinth bulbs/flowers for decoration and scent for the Christmas season.
- Seed can be harvested from many perennials at this time of year for planting next spring. Store in a cool, dry place.
All hedges can be pruned at this time and they will retain their shape until next spring when they start to grow again.
Clean out greenhouses to prevent weeds taking over during the winter season
- Many house plants die in autumn and winter time due to over-watering. Plants should not be sitting in water. Reduce watering from now on and never have the pot standing in a couple of centimetres of water over the coming months.
- Check all plants for scale, Greenfly, Mealy bug. Control with an organic pest control such as Bayer organic Pest Control.
- Cyclamen plants should get plenty of light to bring on flowers for Christmas.