Garden Tips October November

Hawthorn’s seasonal reminders. Bi-monthly gardening tips for the months of October and November

Looking good in the garden now


Continue to mow every two to three weeks, removing fallen leaf and composting. If the leaves are left on the lawn, it will cause scorch marks by not allowing light on to the grass.


  • Colour can be introduced to planted beds by planting Ornamental Cabbage or Pansies.
  • Pots can be planted with spring bulbs and Heathers.
  • Cut back remaining perennials and remove leaf litter and put on compost.
  • Early spring flowering perennials should be lifted and divided now.
  • Frost tender bulbs and tubers should be lifted and stored in a cool, dry place.
  • Hard wood cuttings can be taken from now on.


  • Greenhouse cacti should be allowed to dry out completely to prevent wet rot over the coming months.
  • Tender plants grown outside should be stored in the green house for the winter.


  • Many house plants die in Autumn and winter time due to over watering. Plants should not be sitting in water. Reduce watering from now on and never have the pot standing in a couple of centimetres of water over the coming months.
  • Check all plants for scale, Greenfly, Mealy bug. Control with an organic pest control such as Bayer organic Pest Control.
  • Cyclamen plants should get plenty of light to bring on flowers for Christmas.